What is Action Research and its steps

How to Solve Problems with Action Research: A Step-by-Step Approach

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The term action research was coined by kurt lewin in the year 1932. He is the founder of action research. But the term action research was introduced to the educational community by stephen corey in 1949.

Some definitions of Action research by stephen corey

Action research is the research undertaken by the practitioners so that they may improve their practice.

Action research is the research intended to solve practical problems of an individual or a group.

Cohen and Manion described action research as a small scale intervention in the functioning of real world and a close examination of the effects of such interventions.

On the basis of analyses of a number of action research cases it becomes evident that it is

  • Situational
  • Collaborative and participatory
  • Self evaluative

Stages of Action Research

There are four major stages in the conduct of action research.

Stage 1- Diagnosis

Stage 2-Planning the intervention

Stage 3- Intervention and impact assessment


Areas of Action Research

  • Evaluation procedures
  • Staff development
  • Management and administration
  • Behavioural changes

Advantages of Action Research

  • It is used in the natural world.
  • Take complete data collecting into consideration.
  • Recommendation are important.
  • Allow teacher to continue their education.
  • It develops a system wide mentality for school improvement.
  • It improves teacher decision making abilities.
  • It gives educational leaders more power.
  • Self evaluation is what action research do.
  • It enhances the communication system.
  • It encourages self reflection and self evaluation. 

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