Pre-operational, concrete and formal stage of piaget's

Pre-operational Stage (2-7years)

Source : Internet 

  • During this stage, young children can think about things symbolically.
  • They begin to use language, memory and imagination 

  • There are two sub stage of this stage

  1. Pre- conceptual stage (2-4 years)
  • Ego centrism
  • Animism ( talk with non living things.
2. Intuitive Stage (4-7 years)

  • Difficulty in conservation. 
  • Cannot do reversible thinking.

Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 Years) 

Source : Internet 

  • Cannot do operations on concrete objects but find it hard to solve abstract problems 
  • Begins to understand the concept of conservation 
  • Understanding of reversibility. 
  • Elimination of Ego-centrism. 
  • During this stage, the child begins to develop, transitivity, Seriation, Classification and de centric. 

Formal Operational Stage (11 Years - Adulthood) 

Source : Internet 

  • During this stage, thinking moves from concrete to abstract. 
  • Use symbols related to abstract concept. 
  • Skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning and systematic planning also emerges. 
  • Develop inductive as well as deductive logic. 

Educational implications of Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development 

  • This theory provides broad development perspective to the teachers and curriculum designers to make a better curriculum for the children. 
  • Use collaborative as well as individual activities because kids learns as much from each other as from parents or teachers. 
  • Emphasis on Discovery approach in learning because child learns faster by doing this rather than hearing about them. 
  • Co-curricular activities have equal importance as that of curricular experiences in the Cognitive Development of children. 
  • Use props and other visual aids to support learning. 


  1. Piaget's work generated interest in development psychology. He changed how people viewed the child's world and their methods of studying children. 
  2. A number of instructional strategies have been derived from Piaget's work. 


  1. The sample was biased, small and very homogeneous, all had similar gentic heritage and environment. 
  2. Piaget's did not consider the effect of social setting and culture on Cognitive Development. 

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