Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory

Source : Internet 

Cognition: The term Cognitive is derived from the the latin word "cognoscere" which means "to know" or "to recognize" or to "conceptualize".
The term Cognitive Development refers to the process of growth and change in intellectual /mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning, and understanding.

Key Concept are:

Schema: Knowledge that helps to interpret and understand the world.

Assimilation : Using an existing scheme to deal with a new object or situation.

Accomodations: Changing or altering our existing scheme (knowledge) in light of new knowledge.

Equilibrium: A balance between applying previous knowledge (assimilation) and changing behaviour to account for new knowledge (accommodation).

Source :Internet 

Example : A boy has learned schema of bird and now next day he saw an airplane and called it a bird to his sister then his sister says " No it is an airplane". Then he accommodated new schema of Airplane.

Note: Assimilation and accommodation is also known as Adaptation.

There are four stages of Cognitive Development 

  1. sensory-motar stage ( 0-2years)
  2. Pre-operational stage (2-7years)
  3. Concrete operational stage (7-11 years) 
  4. Formal operational stage (11 years - Adulthood) 

Sensory-Motar stage

  • Information is gained through the senses and motar actions. 
  • The child tries to make sense of the world during this stage by coordinating sensory experiences (seeing, hearing) with motar actions (reaching and touching). 
  • Object Permanence or object constancy develop when they grow older. 


There are six stages of Sensory motar stage

  • Stages of reflex Activities (0-1months)
  • Primary circular reaction (1-4 months) 
  • Secondary circular reaction(4-8months)
  • Coordination of reaction (8-12 months) 
  • Tertiary circular reaction (12-18 months) 
  • Early Repersentational thought (18-24 months) 

Stages of Reflex Activities

The child understands the environment purely through inborn reflexes such as sucking and looking. 

Primary Circular Reaction

sensation and schema get cordinated. Infants focus on their own bodies. Repetition of actions because infants finds them pleasurable. 

Secondary Circular Reaction

The child becomes more focused on the world and begins to intentionally repeat their actions to get a response from the environment. " out of sight, out of mind" 

Coordination of Reaction

After repeatedly observing that certain actions lead to certain consequences, infants gradually acquire knowledge of cause effect relationships. 
At this stage Object Permanence is acquired. 

Tertiary Circular Reaction 

This is a stage of trial and error. Explore their surroundings, make mistakes and repeat their mistake to seek attention from their caregivers. 

Early Repersentational Thought 

The child focus more on mental activities rather than physical actions. 

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